123 Street, Andrapradesh, India
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 09.00 PM
+91 8989898989

ा - AGNI(Fire)

Our Planet Fire!

Earth is the only planet we know of that has ever had a fire. While there may be volcanos pushing out hot magma on the surface of Venus, the hottest planet in the Solar System, there has never been a fire there.

Ring of Fire is a string of volcanoes and sites of seismic activity, or earthquakes, around the edges of the Pacific Ocean. Roughly 90 percent of all earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire, and the ring is dotted with 75 percent of all active volcanoes on Earth. The Ring of Fire isn't quite a circular ring..

Fire waste can never be replaced.!

Safety first, always.!

Be fire ready, stay fire safe.!

Safety first, always.!